About this home

Request to bookEvery PadMate must be vetted and approved by the host
Room in a shared homeA private bedroom with shared common spaces

Wonderfully updated home conveniently located by I 35W and 820N. This property will make an easy drive to work or restaurants. Each room has smart locks and a brand new bed. There is rear driveway parking in order to provide private access to the home.


Driveway parking
4 open parking spots remaining
Your Host allows for a limited number of vehicles to park on the property. If you wish to park on the property, please register your vehicle. Learn more

Move-in times

Mon – Fri
Sat – Sun

Select your room

1 room available
Each room comes furnished with a bed and a place to put your clothes. Bed linens are not provided so please bring your own.
bedroom, detected:
bedroom, detected: window blind
Bedroom Cyan
Large room size
Shared full bathroom
Full bed
Electronic Lock
Ceiling fan
Extra storage
First floor
No stairs required
/ week
+$103 move-in fee

Savings calculator

Let's see what you'd save if you stay with PadSplit!


Your PadMates
You'll be sharing this home with other PadSplit members. Sign up and complete your application to see more info.

Our commitment to safety

We care about your security. Here are some of the ways we show it:
We conduct background screening on all PadSplit Members.
Know how your room locks before you book.
First room transfer is always free.


Washer & Dryer
Dining area


Rules violation may result in a Membership fine.
No kitchen appliances in bedrooms
Due to the nature of co-living, no guests allowed
Quiet time is observed from 11PM to 9AM daily
No outside furniture allowed
Respect each individual house mate
Entrance code on every door. Kwikset combination.
No garbage disposal. Please throw away food.
Do your own dishes please. No dishwasher.
Full double sink for easy cleaning of dishes
Ample parking. Please don’t block anyone in.
PadSplit requires all houses to have a quiet tim

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(ID: 1579)