Why can't I change the temperature on my thermostat?

Last updated October 31, 2024

At PadSplit, we're committed to providing a comfortable living space while also being mindful of energy efficiency. We're proud to include utilities in your PadSplit dues, making your budgeting simpler and more predictable. Here's what you need to know about our approach to temperature control:

Smart Temperature Management

  • Thermostats are generally set to temperatures recommended by utility providers which help maintain a balance between comfort and energy efficiency. By managing energy use responsibly, your Host can keep your dues stable.
  • Your Host or their property management team oversees thermostat settings. If you believe the thermostat is set incorrectly or the heating or cooling system is malfunctioning, please submit a maintenance request to your Host.

Please remember that Members are responsible for conserving all utilities including power, water, gas and internet. Only a Host may adjust the thermostat and if utility consumption exceeds the norm for each home, costs may be passed to the Members.