Listing a Room for Rent FAQ

What are Stay Rewards?

Last updated November 7, 2024

As a host, you can enhance your property’s appeal by offering Stay Rewards. This feature allows you to provide a special incentive to your members: after a 6-month stay, they will receive one week free!

Benefits of Stay Rewards:

  • Attract Longer Stays: Prospective members will see the Stay Reward prominently displayed on your listing, making your property stand out to those looking for extended accommodations.
  • Encourage Loyalty: By rewarding long-term stays, you can foster a sense of loyalty among your members.

How to Enable Stay Rewards:

  1. Go to your Host Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to your Property List.
  3. Select the property for which you want to enable Stay Rewards.
  4. Toggle the Stay Rewards setting to “On”

Offering Stay Rewards is a great way to differentiate your property and attract members who are looking to settle in for a while. For full details, please review the terms and conditions (found in your host dashboard) associated with the Stay Reward program.