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Property Score Dispute Process

Last updated June 26, 2024

PadSplit is committed to offering a fair environment for both our Members and Hosts. If you feel that a House Rating or Move-in Rating has been made in error, you may submit a formal dispute to PadSplit.

What types of ratings are disputable?

The following types of Ratings factor into a Host’s Property Score and are therefore currently disputable:

  • Move-in Ratings
  • House Ratings in these categories:
    • Maintenance
    • Cleanliness

The following types of Ratings do not factor into a Host's Property Score and are not made public in any way. Therefore, these types of Ratings are not currently disputable:

  • House Ratings in these categories:
    • Location
    • Price
    • Flexibility
    • Other

How do I file a Ratings dispute?

In order to be eligible for consideration under our Dispute Policy, Hosts must submit their dispute using the Dispute Request Form within 14 days of the rating having been submitted by the Member. 

Once you have filled out the Dispute Request Form, PadSplit will review your case. Dispute Requests will generally take 3-5 business days to process and you will be notified via email with the result. Please note that these decisions are final.

How does PadSplit determine whether to approve or deny a Ratings dispute?

PadSplit’s team carefully reviews every rating dispute request. Please note that because we are a marketplace, PadSplit examines the dispute from both the Host and Member perspective. By their nature, most ratings are subjective, but we will do our best to consider the evidence provided and apply any common sense measures.