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PadSplit Anti-Discrimination Policy
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PadSplit Anti-Discrimination Policy

Last updated August 28, 2023

At PadSplit we are problem-solvers, looking to solve the affordable housing crisis – one room at a time. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to access safe, clean housing options.

Our Members and Hosts play an essential role in creating affordable housing solutions.   Shared housing works best when each member and host feel safe and respected.

The housing options accessible through the PadSplit platform are not public accommodations, but as provided in our host agreement, we still expect hosts will conform to all applicable federal, state, and local laws that apply to housing. State and local jurisdictions may expand the federal protections afforded to people in their jurisdictions..

These principles include any action against members on the basis of race or color, religion, sex (gender identity or sexual orientation), national origin, familial status, or disability.

In complying with applicable housing laws, A PadSplit host cannot do the following:

  • Impose different rules on the basis of any of the above categories
  • Reject a request to book a room on the basis of any of the above categories 
  • Discourage or indicate a preference on the basis of any of the above categories

A host may provide factual information about the house and the room that could possibly make a room or house unsuitable for guests of a certain age or disability. However, a host may not decline a member based on actual or perceived disability. A host cannot charge additional fees in connection to the member’s disability, including fees connected to a member’s need for a service animal. You can find more information on PadSplit’s service animal policy here. A host cannot inquire about the nature or severity of a potential member’s disability. But a host can discuss with a potential member factual elements of the house and room to determine whether the house would be a good fit for the member.

The above policy is not intended to be legal advice or guidance. Hosts should confer with legal counsel in their local jurisdiction should they have individual questions or concerns on the above policy.