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Camera Policy
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Property Score Dispute Process
Room Standards for the PadSplit Platform
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How can I improve my Property Score?
PadSplit Anti-Discrimination Policy
How do Members rate my house?
Am I responsible for cleaning the home?
Do I have to check on the property while members live there?

How do Members rate my house?

Last updated June 26, 2024

Members are prompted to answer the following question every 2 weeks when they go through the payment flow:

“How satisfied are you with your home?

Please only rate your home and Host. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback on other PadMates separately.”

The choices are: 

Very Satisfied = 5

Satisfied = 4

Neutral = 3

Dissatisfied = 2

Very Dissatisfied = 1


After giving a score they are asked to provide the main reason for the score. The question varies based on whether the feedback was positive or negative, but the choices remain the same: 

  • Cleanliness
  • Maintenance of home
  • Location of home
  • Price
  • Flexibility
  • Other

If the score was negative, the question appears the following way: 

If the score was positive, the questions appears the following way: 

Finally, the Member has the option to provide additional comments to the Host. 

How is my Rating used?

Your rating is a component of your Property Score. We hope that Hosts will view their rating as a measure of how well their properties are performing and use it to guide improvements to the home and Member experience. It is a trove of information from your Members!