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How can I improve my Property Score?
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How do Members rate my house?
Am I responsible for cleaning the home?
Do I have to check on the property while members live there?

How can I improve my Property Score?

Last updated June 26, 2024

There are many ways to improve your Property Score. 

Your Property Score is a reflection of the quality of the home and experience you offer Members. To maintain a good score, try to:

  • Provide a positive move-in experience for your Members
  • Respond quickly to maintenance requests
  • Maintain the property proactively
  • Direct Members toward the appropriate outlets for non-maintenance issues
  • Rate Members for positive and negative behavior
  • Communicate clearly and often with Members
  • Work with Members who request payment accommodations (when warranted)
  • Visit your PadSplits on a regular basis to stay ahead of unreported issues. We also know Members feel more accountable when they can put a face to the property! 

Remember that your Property Score reflects your position compared only with other PadSplits. 

If you want to rise in the ranks, consider going above and beyond, for example, you can:

  • Hire a cleaner 
  • Respond to Member feedback, even when it seems unnecessary 
  • Install smart locks on bedroom doors
  • Replace outdated finishes
  • Add thoughtful touches 
  • Understand your Members and their needs