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Camera Policy

Last updated August 5, 2024

Hosts must disclose the presence of cameras and other recording devices to both PadSplit and Members. Recording devices includes, but is not limited to: any device that records or transmits video, images, or audio such as a baby monitor, noise decibel monitor, or doorbell camera.

Recording devices can only be used in common areas and exterior areas of the home in places where a Member does not have a greater expectation of privacy. Bathrooms and bedrooms are strictly prohibited.  

Hosts must disclose the presence of devices in the property listing. If cameras or other devices are added after a property is live, the disclosure must still be made on the property listing and a message must be sent notifying members of the change. A Member’s move-in is explicit consent to being recorded. 

Members are prohibited from having their own surveillance devices in a home. The presence of unauthorized recording devices may be considered a safety violation and grounds for immediate termination. 

It is the Host’s responsibility to understand and comply with all local, state and federal laws concerning recording devices. Any violation of this policy may result in PadSplit de-platforming a Host's property.