
After 17 years of constant moves, Quamir found a stable home and renewed aspirations through PadSplit.

After 17 years of constant moves, Quamir found a stable home and renewed aspirations through PadSplit.

Growing up in Georgia, Quamir’s life was a series of temporary stops. For the first 17 years of his life, he moved around constantly and rarely stayed in one place for more than six months. This constant upheaval made it challenging to complete his education and find stability. But today, Quamir’s story is one of hope and transformation, thanks to an unexpected solution: PadSplit.

A rocky start

Before finding PadSplit, Quamir’s living situation was far from ideal. He found himself in a shared home that fell short of expectations. “I thought I’d have my own room, but I ended up sharing with multiple people,” recalls Quamir. He describes an overcrowded room with “privacy” only provided by hospital-like curtains. The rent, which was initially $850 per month, had suddenly jumped to $1,250. To make matters worse, the house was dirty, his housemates were disrespectful, and his commute to work took a grueling two hours on MARTA.

A turning point

Everything changed when Quamir discovered PadSplit through a coworker. The transition was seamless and quick. “That next day [after booking the room], I moved in with no problems,” Quamir says, still amazed at the simplicity of the process. He was particularly impressed with the security measures. “They are not playing around with these locks. It’s very cool,” he chuckles, referring to the passcode-protected room locks.

Finding community and comfort

In his PadSplit home, Quamir finally feels at ease. “I don’t feel like a stranger,” he says. His PadMates are friendly and respectful, going about their business while maintaining a sense of community. Quamir’s host has been exceptionally supportive. “He didn’t only tell me what was expected of me, but he also asked me what I expected from him, and how I can grow there too,” Quamir shares appreciatively.

He says his sense of security extends far beyond locks. “I don’t have to worry about anyone touching my food or any of my stuff. You can leave something on the table and not worry about it being gone when you come back. That’s a blessing in itself,” Quamir explains, reflecting on past experiences where his belongings often went missing.

A platform for growth

With stable housing secured, Quamir is now focusing on his future. He plans to complete his GED, a goal that was previously out of reach due to his frequent moves. “I want to move up,” he says. “I want to save more money, not only so I can build myself up but so when I move, I’ll be prepared.”

The affordable rent at PadSplit has opened up new possibilities. Quamir, a talented artist, now has more free time to dedicate to his craft. He’s planning to start a Patreon page for his artwork, turning his passion into a potential source of income.

The PadSplit difference

For Quamir, the benefits of PadSplit extend beyond just affordable housing. His commute has been cut from two hours to just 35 minutes, giving him more time for his pursuits. He also appreciates the user-friendly PadSplit app, which helps him stay on top of household chores and responsibilities.

Most importantly, PadSplit has given Quamir a sense of home. “When I come back from work, it’s really cool that I can come back to my own place, and I don’t have to worry about anything there,” he says with a smile.

A message of hope

Quamir’s advice for others considering PadSplit is simple: “I love it. I can’t tell people that enough. It feels so great to know that the money I earn at work is covering more than rent now,” he says happily.

From a childhood spent moving from place to place to a young adult struggling with unsuitable living conditions, Quamir has finally found his footing with PadSplit. As he continues working at his local grocery store, surrounded by supportive coworkers and comfortable in his new home, Quamir’s future looks brighter than ever. 

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Christopher M

For retired Army veteran, Chris, PadSplit allows him to live closer to his job
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Our members save an average of $420 a month living in PadSplit.