When you become a PadSplit Member, you get exclusive access to free and discounted Member Perks.
Become a MemberYour PadSplit membership offers more than an affordable place to live. Members get access to exclusive Member Perks, curated by our team to help improve their health, finances, and career.
PadSplit Members receive free access to Teladoc, a virtual healthcare company.
Teladoc allows Members to talk to a doctor, therapist, or medical expert anywhere by phone or video.
Create a free account using your PadSplit UID and zip code. Once setup, you can chat with a doctor for free.
All PadSplit Members are auto-enrolled in Esusu, a third-party service provider that reports weekly payments to Equifax and TransUnion.
By reporting rent payments, Esusu helps Members build their credit histories and improve their credit scores.
PadSplit Members are automatically enrolled in credit reporting. You can check your progress on Esusu’s website.
Wonolo connects Members with immediate hourly or same day jobs from local businesses, allowing you to work where you want, when you want, for whomever you want.
Wonolo is an on-demand staffing platform that connects job seekers and businesses looking to fill their labor needs.
Create a Wonolo account and unlock flexible job opportunities in your area at your fingertips.