5 exciting enhancements to the host experience

Discover a few new enhancements to the host experience.

April 24, 2023

At PadSplit, we’re always innovating. Our goal is to give our hosts all of the tools and functionality they need to successfully manage their properties–whether they have one PadSplit or dozens. 

Today, we’re excited to announce four new features, plus one that’s been often overlooked. Read on for all the details, then be sure to click through to the supporting articles and videos for more information. 

  1. Updated member financials

We wanted to give you the complete financial transparency you need to effectively and efficiently manage your properties and your members. Starting today, you’ll see a new tab on each member’s profile called “Finances.” On this tab, you’ll be able to see: 

  • Member’s current balance
  • Autopay (yes/no)
  • Expected next payment
  • Tenure of member at current property, and at PadSplit
  • Percent of on-time payments
  • Amount paid in late fees
  • Member financial status (learn more in this article)

You can also see a detailed view of the member’s outstanding and paid bills and download a CSV with all of their financial transactions. 

  1. Forgive dues or extend termination date

Everyone needs a helping hand every once in a while. We’ve found that a little flexibility can go a long way toward preventing costly evictions, increasing member tenure, and boosting the collections rate. This new feature makes it possible for you to extend a helping hand to members at risk of termination by either issuing concessions or delaying their termination date. It’s as easy as clicking on the “Save from termination” button on the member’s “Finances” tab. 

Since rolling out this feature at the beginning of this year, it’s already been used more than 700 times, showing that our hosts truly are dedicated to doing well and doing good. 

Learn more about using this feature in this article or this video.

  1. Reinstate members 

When members are terminated due to collections, there are a wide variety of reasons. They may be between jobs. Their paycheck may be delayed. They may have lost their card. Or they simply forgot to pay. Many of these members are willing to pay and stay, they just need a couple of days to get their finances in order. This new feature allows you to reinstate a member’s membership. In the “Finances” tab of a member’s profile, simply click “Reinstate a member” and you’ll be able to place them back in their room. 

Note that this action can be taken for three days after termination. After that time, you’ll need to contact support@padsplit.com for assistance. 

Learn more about using this feature in this article or this video.

  1. Host earnings enhancements

We receive a lot of inquiries from hosts who want more detailed information about their earnings. That’s why we updated the “Host earnings” tab so you can easily download a CSV file with all billing and collections information for every single member. You can download data at a member level and a property level. We’ve also cleaned up inconsistencies in the data schema and made the page more user friendly. 

  1. Mark member as eviction

PadSplit and hosts need to be on the same page regarding evictions. While handling evictions is the host’s responsibility, evicted members (who refuse to leave their room) are treated differently than terminated members (who do leave their room when asked). This update allows hosts to mark a member as “in eviction,” which will ban them from PadSplit, but keep the billing going until the eviction ends. 

While this isn’t a new feature, it’s one that many hosts don’t know about. Learn more about using this feature in this video.

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