This is how coliving spaces reduce your carbon footprint

July 16, 2024

When working toward a more sustainable lifestyle, many people are turning to coliving as an innovative solution to reduce their carbon footprint. Coliving is a universal housing concept where individuals share living spaces, significantly impacting environmental sustainability. Here are a few ways coliving spaces reduce our carbon footprint:

1. Shared resources and reduced waste

One primary way coliving reduces carbon footprint is by using shared resources in a home. Multiple residents share kitchens, living rooms, and laundry facilities in a coliving setup. This communal approach reduces the need for duplicate appliances and furniture. It ends up reducing waste and significantly lowering energy consumption.

  • Energy efficiency: Shared spaces mean fewer individual appliances running simultaneously, resulting in lower energy consumption. Energy-efficient lighting and appliances are often added to coliving spaces for lower energy use.
  • Waste reduction: In coliving spaces, the amount of waste produced per person is significantly reduced. Shared cooking spaces lead to more communal meals, which can minimize food waste.

2. Smaller living spaces

Coliving typically involves smaller personal living spaces with larger communal areas. Smaller private spaces mean less space to heat, cool, and light, which results in lower energy usage. The compact design of coliving units also incorporates energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials.

  • Heating and cooling: Heating and cooling smaller spaces require less energy, which helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of each resident. Many coliving spaces are designed with energy-efficient insulation and windows, further conserving energy.
  • Sustainable design: Coliving spaces are often built with sustainability in mind, using eco-friendly building materials and incorporating green building standards.

3. Encouraging sustainable transportation

Many coliving communities are strategically located in urban areas with access to public transportation, bike-sharing programs, and carpooling opportunities. This proximity to public transit reduces the need for personal vehicles, thereby decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Public transportation: Easy access to city buses, local trains, and subways encourages residents to opt for public transit instead of driving, significantly cutting down on carbon emissions.
  • Biking and walking: Coliving spaces often provide amenities such as bike storage and are situated in walkable neighborhoods, promoting eco-friendly transportation options.

4. Community gardens and green spaces

Coliving communities frequently feature shared gardens and green outdoor spaces where residents spend time growing their own food. These gardens provide fresh, local produce to reduce the carbon footprint of transporting food to cities from neighboring farms.

  • Urban farming: Growing food locally reduces the need for long-distance transportation, which is a major contributor to carbon emissions.
  • Green spaces: Incorporating green spaces in urban environments helps in offsetting carbon emissions and improving air quality.

5. Shared services and reduced consumption

Coliving encourages a minimalist lifestyle where residents focus on their experiences rather than material possessions. This shift in mindset will reduce consumption and waste. Shared services, like cleaning, maintenance, and utilities, are also more efficiently managed, decreasing the overall environmental impact.

  • Minimalist lifestyle: Emphasizing life experiences over material goods leads to fewer purchases and less waste.
  • Efficient services: Shared services result in fewer trips for maintenance and deliveries, lowering fuel consumption and emissions over time.

Get started with coliving today

Coliving is a practical and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. It also fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility for the environment. By living more sustainably through shared resources, smaller living spaces, sustainable transportation, community gardens, and a minimalist lifestyle, coliving residents can significantly impact their environmental footprint. 

Embracing coliving is a step towards greener living and a stride towards a more connected and conscious community. To find coliving rooms available at 40-50% less than traditional apartments, visit

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