Atlanta graphic designer saves $1,000/month on rent with PadSplit

April 12, 2024

Winston, a graphic designer in Atlanta, Georgia, embarked on his journey with PadSplit in the fall of 2023 after a friend shared their positive experience. At the time, he was residing in a costly extended stay motel in Cobb County, shelling out a hefty $1,800 a month for subpar living conditions. The expense was unsustainable, and the transient environment left him feeling isolated and disconnected.

From costly motels to cozy, affordable living

After being accepted into PadSplit, Winston quickly found an ideal room that suited his needs and budget. “It’s most definitely cozier than an extended stay motel,” Winston says. His new setup provided a fully furnished private room with an all-inclusive weekly fee that covered utilities and internet, making it a much more manageable and comfortable living situation. Nearly a year later, Winston is still happily living in his PadSplit, appreciating the flexibility it provides without a long-term lease commitment.

Joining a new community

Beyond the physical comforts and the appealing neighborhood, Winston discovered a sense of belonging in the communal lifestyle that PadSplit offers. Unlike the isolation he felt at the extended stay, PadSplit provided stability and a friendly environment. “Everyone supports each other here,” Winston explains. “With an extended stay motel, you’re isolated. You can’t trust your neighbors because people come and go so much. [In my PadSplit], people take care of each other when someone is in need.”

Winston quickly bonded with his PadMates, forming a close-knit community. They enjoy regular game nights playing UNO and Taboo and cook for each other, fostering a family-like atmosphere that has deeply resonated with him.

Achieving financial freedom

One of the most significant benefits for Winston has been the financial relief that PadSplit provided. He recognizes the scarcity of affordable options for individuals unable to shoulder the burden of solo living in bustling areas like Atlanta. “Financially, PadSplit is a great decision if you’re not in a position to rent a space by yourself. It’s the most economical decision to make,” he says.

Thanks to PadSplit, Winston has gained financial stability and made meaningful connections. He intends to keep these friendships even when his housemates eventually move on.

A true transformation

Winston’s experience exemplifies PadSplit’s impact, offering not just cost-effective housing but also nurturing a sense of belonging that transforms a house into a home. For Winston, PadSplit has proven to be the perfect blend of affordability, flexibility, and community, significantly enriching his quality of life in Atlanta.

Find your own PadSplit today

If you’re seeking an affordable, supportive housing option that offers flexibility and financial benefits, explore PadSplit today. Ready to find your own space like Winston? Start your application and discover a place you can call home.

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