PadSplit welcomes our members’ service animals

May 14, 2024

At PadSplit, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive community for all our members. One aspect of this commitment is recognizing the importance of service animals in enhancing the well-being of individuals. We understand that service animals play a crucial role in supporting individuals’ mental, emotional, and social needs. We remain dedicated to accommodating them within our housing model.

Service animals, unlike pets, serve as essential companions for individuals with disabilities, providing invaluable assistance and support. We firmly believe that ensuring the presence of these service animals and contributes to the overall welfare and happiness of our members.

To facilitate the presence of service animals in our homes, we have established clear guidelines for their approval and registration. We want to make the process as straightforward as possible for our members.

How to register a service animal

Members must submit service animal registration with PadSplit before members begin their stay with us. This registration process involves reaching out to our support team via email at When you register service animals in advance, you’ll have a smooth and seamless experience with moving into your PadSplit.

We understand the importance of maintaining a harmonious living environment for all our members. This is why we have specific guidelines in place for animals within our homes. Only one registered animal per member is allowed. When in common spaces, animals must be leashed and may be required to be muzzled. These measures are in place to ensure the comfort of all household members.

Rules and regulations for ESA service animals

Furthermore, the responsibility lies with the member to maintain control of their service animal at all times, including cleaning up any messes and covering any damages caused by the animal. Additionally, service animals must be current on all vaccinations, including rabies vaccinations, with proof provided upon registration.

We take compliance with these guidelines seriously, as failure to adhere to them can result in fines, a low member score, or even a notice to vacate for the member. Our priority is to create a supportive and respectful environment where all members can thrive. This includes upholding standards for the care and behavior of a service animal dog or cat.

We care about our members’ well-being

At PadSplit, we embrace the presence of emotional support pets as a testament to our commitment to the well-being of our members. By providing a welcoming environment for animals, we aim to ensure that all individuals feel supported and valued within our community.

PadSplit is proud to welcome emotional support pets into our homes, recognizing their vital role in enhancing the lives of our members. Through clear guidelines and procedures, we strive to accommodate these animals. We are committed to upholding the well-being of our members and ensuring that everyone feels respected and included within our community.

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